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India loses in 15 world indicators in one year Featured

  13 September 2020

Indian economy stands devastated with lowest GDP and no signs of recovery. Not only the economy but the country has slipped ranks drastically in more than a dozen global indices in just one year

We Indians have seen our country resurrect from the chains of British bondage after a long struggle for freedom.

India evolved to its old avatar of a ‘Golden Bird’ in just a few decades and soon it stood among the prideful line of nations heading towards new heights of development and well-being.

And then Modi government came into power and the picture started changing. In last six years the Indian economy is totally devastated. India has been losing on all forums.GDP has already reached minus 23.9%, unemployment is highest since independence but worst is yet to come. India has slipped down 26 spots on economic freedom index according to the 2020 report. 

India has now slipped to 105th rank from 79th position last year. In Canada’s Fraser institute’s report India shows decrease on all parameters.

It shows decline in size of government, legal system and property rights, freedom to trade internationally and regulation of credit, labour and business.Just hours before this recent report came, india’s industrial production contracted for the fifth month in a row in July. It has declined 10.4% in just one year.

Several international agencies including Standards and poor, Moody’s had already projected Indian economy to contract significantly and the government cannot blame the pandemic as the fall started long before the coronavirus arrived.

In January the Economist released its annual democracy index report where india dropped 10 places in the ranking to reach51st place. Indias 2019 score is lowest since the compilation began in2006.India dropped drastically in press freedom index this year reach 142nd rank in the list of 180 countries.

India ranked 133rd out of 167 countries in Women peace and security index.Spectator index ranked india as the fifth most dangerous country to live in. 

A Thomos Reuters foundation survey placed India as the most dangerous country for women.In global hunger index 2019 India ranked 102 out of 117 countries,below Nepal Bangladesh and PakistanIndia slipped to 129th place in United Nations Human Development index in 2019India ranked 49 on the Poverty index, with more than 36 crore Indians still unable to afford two square meals a day.

In the World Happiness Report, India slipped down seven positions in 2019, to 140 from 133 in 2018 based on factors like social support, income, freedom, trust, health and generosity.

India slipped down ten places since 2018 to be ranked 68th in the annual Global Competitiveness Index in 2019.India’s rank also slipped five places to 141 among 163 countries, compared to the previous year in the Global Peace Index, 2019.

As per the World Economic Forum (WEF), India slipped to 112th position in the Gender Equality Index amid increasing disparity in terms of women’s participation in the development of the country.Even in the Henley Passport Index 2020, the Indian passport is ranked 84th among 199 countries.Do we still have doubts about who is the culprit?



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