The former Rajya Sabha MP and diplomat also criticised "India's elite" and Jawaharlal Nehru for their dismissal of what he calls "Hindu civilisation."
Those present in the meeting also include NSA Ajit Doval and Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla, as also India's Ambassador to Afghanistan Rudrendra Tandon, who returned to India on Tuesday itself.
The solicitor general claimed that a public affidavit on the matter would compromise national security, as terrorists may be able to shield themselves from Pegasus.
The productivity of the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha during the monsoon session 2021 stood at 28% and 22% respectively.
The triggering factors for this were inflation and the Union government's handling of the COVID-19 second wave.
While the home ministry did not provide a full answer to an MP’s query, 'The Wire' was able to locate the details of all nine UAPA FIRs mentioned by the MoS in court records available online.
"He announces new schemes but these are never implemented or seen on the ground," said Mallikarjun Kharge.