This was the first time in recent memory that the US Navy has publicly acknowledged that a military ship has entered India’s EEZ without consent, saying it was intended as a challenge to India's "excessive maritime claims".
Sangeeta Sengar has been given a ticket from Fatehpur Chaurasi Tritaya seat for the Zila Panchayat member. She had previously held the position of the Zila Panchayat chairman from Unnao district.
The partnership with German firm ManServ, in Fast Lane’s own written admission, included sharing of “very sensitive information”.
"It is crucial that both of our democracies remain strong by remaining true to our shared highest principles, such as treating all people with dignity, fairness and respect," Raja Krishnamoorthi said.
“We stand ready to strengthen the anti-terrorist potential of Pakistan, including by supplying Pakistan with special military equipment,” Sergei Lavrov said.
China on Thursday reasserted that responsibility of the border crisis rests with India, even as New Delhi repeated that it would like to see disengagement in the remaining areas.