Filmmaker Reham Khan on Thursday tendered an unconditional apology in a court in the UK over accusing British businessman Aneel Mussarat of being involved in the secret purchase of the PIA-owned Roosevelt Hotel.
Observers point out that the remarks highlight Russia’s unease with India’s growing proximity and strong strategic ties with the US.
"The CPM condemns [the probe] by the Delhi Police to further the narrative of its political masters and urges the government to desist from such acts of criminalising peaceful political protests.”
KARACHI:An independent non-profit organisation focused on tackling sophisticated disinformation has exposed the latest iteration of an Indian influence campaign aimed at defaming Pakistan within the EU institutions.
The operation targeted international institutions and served Indian interests primarily through resurrecting “dead media, dead think-tanks and NGOs”, the report by EU DisinfoLab says.
BAKU/ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday renewed a call for a change of leadership in Armenia, as he reviewed a military parade marking that country's defeat by Azerbaijan in a war in the disputed enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh.