India on Sunday, 13 September, reported 94,371 new cases of coronavirus, taking the tally in the country to 47,54,356, including 9,73,175 active cases. The death toll increased by 1,114 to 78,586.
26 September, 1932 was no ordinary day in the history of Modern India. Little did the lovely couple Gurumukh Singh and Amrit kaur knew that a boy born in their family will go on to serve India in different capacities for more than 5 decades.
Israeli May Tager has become the first model from her country to pose for a photoshoot in the UAE, after the two nations agreed to normalise relations last month.
Tarouba, Sept 10: Skipper Kieron Pollard produced a magical spell while Lendl Simmons and Darren Bravo engaged themselves in a six-hitting spree as they took Trinbago Knight Riders