While Kangana Ranaut's cold war with Karan Johar is known to all, the actress has now launched a fresh attack at the filmmaker in her latest tweet. Kangana, through her digital team's Twitter handle, has requested the Indian government to take Karan Johar's Padma Shri back.
In her tweet, the Manikarnika actress accused Karan Johar of intimidating her on an international platform, conspiring against Sushant Singh Rajput and attempting to destroy his career and making an 'anti-national' film against the armed forces.
Kangana Ranaut's digital team tweeted, "I request government of India to take KJO's PadmaShri back,he openly intimidated me and asked me to leave the industry on an international platform,conspired to sabotage Sushanth's career,he supported Pakistan during Uri battle and now antinational film against our Army."
For those who don't know, while speaking at the London School of Economics in March 2017, Karan Johar had said that Kangana should quit the industry if she felt so wronged by it. Recently, Kangana accused Karan Johar of teaming up with his 'good friend' Aditya Chopra to sabotage late actor Sushant Singh Rajput's career. Kangana's allegation that Karan 'supported Pakistan' after the Uri attack was because of him casting Fawad Khan in Ae Dil Hai Mushkil. And lastly, the actress had recently called Karan Johar's film Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl an 'anti-national' film for showing Indian Air Force in 'undue negative' light.
When Karan Johar was honoured with the prestigious Padma Shri award earlier this year, the actress was quoted as saying in an interview, "I heartily congratulate him. I think he totally deserves this award. As a producer, the kind of films he backs, whether it is Kesari or Good Newwz, are commendable, as is the position he has worked to achieve. Even though his father gave him a head start, he has risen to the top because of his own efforts and merits."
Kangana's team had tweeted, "A poem for Karan Johar...we want to jump aboard the nationalism bandwagon but won't show patriotism. Films based on war with Pakistan earn money, so we will make such films but the villains in these will still be Indian. Now the third gender has also entered the army, when will you understand, Karan Johar, that a soldier is simply a soldier?"
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