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Russian Doctor Quits over Violation of Ethics in Corona Vaccine Featured

  14 August 2020

After the announcement of Russian President Vladimir Putin to make Corona’s first vaccine, Russia’s senior respiratory specialist, Prof.

Alexander Chuchalin has resigned from the Ethics Council of Russia’s Ministry of Health.It is being said that he has taken this step after not stopping the registration of Sputnik V vaccine. Pro. Alexander questions the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. Not only this, he was the director of the vaccine-making organization Gamalaya Research Institute and Colonel Prof. Senior Virologist in the Russian Army. Sergi Boricevic is severely accused.

“These two people set the backdrop for the announcement of creating the world’s first vaccine bypassing academics and standards,” he said. Pro. Alexander has also founded the Research Institute of Pulmonology in Russia.

Pro. Alexander has questioned both scientists, asking them ‘have you met all the standards that are in Russia’s constitutional law and the international scientific community has prepared’.


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