Gangster-turned-politician Mukhtar Ansari was brought back to UP’s Banda jail from Punjab on Wednesday morning. The MLA from BSP was brought to UP after two years in Punjab jail in an ambulance amid tight security during his 900-km journey from Rupnagar to Banda in eastern Uttar Pradesh.
It has been observed that NSA is being increasingly slapped against the accused in cow slaughter cases, targeting the Muslim community in the state.
While the Rafale jet maker allegedly was not able to provide documentation to explain a suspicious transaction, the French anti-corruption agency ultimately chose not to refer the matter for prosecution.
The PM had once said that the constitution is our 'holy book'. Here's a look at sins he should be worried about, much more than those in the Old Testament.
With an indifferent regime and media blacking out protests, farmers need to recalibrate their strategy to bring together a diverse set of groups across various sectors and regions to challenge the BJP.