The Amethi Police's action comes two days after UP CM Adityanath asked officials to take action against “anti-social elements” who spread “rumours” and propaganda on social media and try to “spoil the atmosphere”.
After receiving universal acclaim for his tremendous contribution to spirituality over decades, 96-year-old Maulana passed away on April 21.
KARACHI:Pakistan Army has been called out in aid of civil administration to ensure implementation of precautionary measures against the rampaging novel coronavirus as the prime minister warned the government might impose lockdown in major cities if the spread of the deadly contagion is not contained.
China is poised to become globally dominant in the foreseeable future and there is little the US can do. An American president can't even bet on his policies, however laudable or otherwise, surviving his four-year term.
The applications were moved by Delhi Police contending that Umar and Khalid are 'high-risk prisoners'. However, Umar and Khalid were already granted bail in the Khajuri Khas riots case.