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Agra model exposed: 28 COVID patients died in 48 hours; Priyanka Gandhi warns Yogi govt of dangerous outcome Featured

  22 June 2020

Expressing her dismay, Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi hit out at the Yogi government and said that the state BJP govt tried to hide the truth with regard to the Corona pandemic.

Agra model of COVID-19 containment stands exposed as at least 28 patients, admitted at Agra’s SN Medical College (SNMC) reportedly died in the last 48 hours, claimed a news report.

Expressing her dismay, Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi hit out at the Yogi government and said that the BJP government tried to hide the truth with regard to the Corona pandemic.

Sharing a report published by the Hindi national daily Navbharat Times (NBT), Priyanka Gandhi said, “How shameful this is for the UP government that they tried to bury the truth by propagating this model. Questions were raised on government’s no test = no corona policy but the government did not answer”. 

“If the UP government continues to act carelessly, consequences are going to be very dangerous,” she added.

According to the NBT, the deaths were revealed after a government-appointed panel conducted an audit of the admissions and death records.

Rattled by the revelations, the Yogi government has sought a detailed report on it.

The two-member panel, headed by UP’s power secretary M Devraj ordered the probe on Saturday after auditing all the 75 deaths in the district, reported the newspaper.

As per the report, the panel has sought details about the 28 patients, date of their admission, health issues and treatment and medicines given to them as well as the names of the doctors who attended them.

So far, as per media reports, Agra has witnessed maximum 75 COVID-19 deaths in UP, followed by Meerut with 61 casualties.


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