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India records nearly 70000 cases again Featured

  23 August 2020

India recorded 69,878 new coronavirus cases in a single day on Saturday taking the total tally to 29,75,701, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said.

India recorded 69,878 new coronavirus cases in a single day on Saturday taking the total tally to 29,75,701, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said.In the last 24 hours, 945 people lost their lives due to Covid-19 infection taking the toll to 55,794, the ministry said.

The total active cases from across the country stands at 6,97,330. The total number of people discharged from hospitals and quarantine centres so far is 22,22,577. In the last 24 hours, 63,631 people recovered. The recovery rate stands at 74.69 per cent.The government stated that 3,44,91,073 cumulative total samples have been tested up to August 21, and 10,23,836 samples were tested on Friday.

Andhra Pradesh, one of the worst hit states, has recorded 87,803 active cases so far. A total 2,44,045 people have recovered from the deadly virus in the state so far. In the last 24 hours, 8,827 people recovered from the infection of the virus. The state has recorded 3,092 deaths so far and in the last 24 hours 91 people succumbed to the infection

In Karnataka, the total active cases are 83,082. So far 1,76,942 people have recovered from the infection, of whom 6,561 left hospitals and quarantine centres in the last 24 hours, when 93 people succumbed to the disease taking the toll to 4,522 so far in the state.

The state of Maharashtra has 1,64,879 active cases. A total 4,70,873 people recovered from the virus infection and in the last 24 hours, as 11,749 people left hospital after recovering. A total 21,698 people have lost their lives as 339 died in the last 24 hours.

The national capital has 11,426 active Covid-19 cases. So far, 1,42,908 people have recovered, of which 1,082 in the last 24 hours. The capital has reported 4,270 deaths so far as 13 died in past one day.


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