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WATCH: BJP spokesperson goofs up on live TV debate, doesn’t know who agriculture minister of India is Featured

  03 सितम्बर 2020

In one of the most embarrassing moments for the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, its national spokesperson named a wrong person as the agriculture minister of India during a live TV debate

In one of the most embarrassing moments for the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, its national spokesperson named a wrong person as the agriculture minister of India in his own party-led government during a live TV debate.

During an interaction on new channel Times Now over GDP contraction, the SP spokesperson asked economist Karan Bhasin if he knows who the agriculture minister is. The economist went blank and fumbled.

The anchor then intervened, came to the economist’s support and asked if Gopal Krishna Agarwal of the BJP would like to take that question. The spokesperson then went on to name Radha Mohan Singh as Agriculture Minister. 

Radha Mohan Singh was the union agriculture minister till 2019. Incidentally, the present Agriculture Minister of India is Narendra Singh Tomar.

The social media platforms soon were flooded with interesting takes on the BJP spokesperson’s faux pas. Some of them quipped on Twitter asking if the Modi government really have an agriculture minister.

Some said wittily that whoever watches the video of this debate will definitely search on Google who agriculture minister of India actually is?


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