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Modi govt wholly impetuous, completely incompetent and utterly amateurish in fight against COVID-19: Congress Featured

  07 सितम्बर 2020

It has disowned the people, leaving them to fend for themselves in the middle of the worst pandemic ever, chief spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala said in statement on Monday

The Congress on Monday slammed the PM Narendra Modi-led Central government for ‘disowning the people and leaving them to fend for themselves in the middle of the worst pandemic ever’. 

“In the fight to defeat Corona, Modi Govt. has proved itself to be wholly impetuous, completely incompetent and utterly amateurish,” chief spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala said in statement.

“On 24th March, 2020, Modi ji pronounced, ‘Battle of Mahabharata lasted for 18 days. The battle against Corona shall be won in 21 days’. 166 days later, the whole country is fighting an epic ‘Battle of Mahabharata against Corona pandemic’, people are dying of the disease but Modi ji is busy in photoshoots of bird feeding. The battle against Corona rages on but the General is ‘Missing-in-Action’,” he said. 

“India is now the ‘Corona Capital’ of the world. The country has the second highest number of Corona infections in the world. Just in the last 24 hours, there have been 90,802 positive cases. Comparably USA & Brazil do not have even half the number of daily Corona cases and rest of the countries are not adding more than ten thousand cases in 24 hours,” he added.

Here are the points raised in the statement:

Let us peruse the top 6 facts about Covid-19 Pandemic in India:

  • Daily Corona Cases - India is No. 1 in the World (90,802 cases)
  • Daily Corona Deaths - India is No. 1 in the World (1016 deaths daily)
  • Corona Cases Doubling Rate - India is No. 1 in the World (29 Days)
  • Total Number of Corona Cases - India is No. 2 in the World (42,04,614 cases)
  • Total Active Corona Cases - India is No. 2 in the World (8,82,542 cases)
  • Total Corona Deaths - India is No. 3 in the World (71,642 deaths)

The ‘Stark Truth’ of Surging Corona cases:

  1. To reach 0 to 1 lakh, Corona took = 110 Days
  2. To reach 1 to 10 lakh, Corona took = 59 Days
  3. To reach 10 to 20 lakh, Corona took = 21 Days
  4. To reach 20 to 30 lakh, Corona took = 16 Days
  5. To reach 30 to 40 lakh, Corona took = 13 Days

In just 29 Days Corona cases doubled – 20 lakhs to 40 lakhs.

Experts predict a ‘Grim & Dangerous’ picture of Corona pandemic:

 Experts believe that if the pandemic continues to increase with the same speed:
  • By 30th November, the total Corona cases would touch 1,00,00,000 (1 crore).
  • By 30th December, the total Corona cases could increase to 1.40 crore.
  • It is feared that the deaths due to the pandemic could reach as high as 1,75,000.

The ‘Corona Chronology’ depicts the ‘Gross Incompetence & Abject Failure’:

Congress party and Shri Rahul Gandhi repeatedly warned the Govt about the impending Corona pandemic from 12 Feb, 2020 onwards (12th February, 3rd March, 24th April etc.) but like always, Modi Govt mocked and ignored the sincere warnings. 

Let us peruse the ‘Eight Points’ of ‘Corona Chronology’:

  • 12th February, 2020: Modi Govt said ‘Corona isn’t a cause of concern’. The warning of impending pandemic given by Shri Rahul Gandhi was shrugged off and disregarded.
  • 24th February, 2020: ‘Namaste Trump’ organized in Ahmedabad with1 lakh in attendance.
  • 2nd - 5th March, 2020: The repeated warnings by Shri Rahul Gandhi were dismissed by Health Minister, Dr. Harsh Vardhan, who said “nothing to be worried about”.
  • 24th March, 2020: In the morning, Congress Govt in Madhya Pradesh was toppled. At 8 PM in the night, nationwide lockdown was imposed.
  • 25th April, 2020: NITI Aayog Member & Chair of Govt’s Corona Management Committee, Dr. V K Paul gave a report stating that there would be no new Corona cases post May 15th, 2020.
  • 4th May, 2020: In the official press briefing, spokesperson of Health Ministry & and Jt. Secy. Lav Agarwal said that the Corona curve has flattened, wouldn’t increase.
  • 27th June, 2020: In his address to the Nation, PM Modi said that warning given about spurt in Corona pandemic are not true. He said that, ‘India is in a better condition than other countries’.
  • 6th September, 2020: India at number two spot for Corona cases in the world. India also at number one in the world in daily Corona infections and daily Corona deaths.

Modiji’s ‘Failed Leadership’, Crippling lockdown & amateurish ‘Tughlaqi Farman’:

The unplanned & un-thought lockdown implemented by PM Modi with three hours notice utterly failed to stop Covid-19 on one hand and destroyed the economy as also lives and livelihoods of people on the other hand. In India’s history, this would be remembered ‘Tughlaqi blunder’ of Modi jis failure of leadership.

Ten debilitating Impacts of ‘Back Breaking Lockdown’ & the Dozens of ‘Tughlaqi Farman’:

  • Crores of migrant labor were forced to walk back hundreds of kilometres hungry, thirsty and penniless by the sudden lockdown. Over 150 lost their lives.
  • Modi buried federalism by unilaterally imposing lockdown without consultation with any state or chief minster. This must be the most authoritarian decision by any individual in India’s history.
  • Despite repeated warnings by experts and the Congress Party, the pandemic was not controlled by adhering to the policy of ‘Test-Trace-Isolate-Treat’. When there was imperative need to increase testing, it was criminally ignored. No steps were taken to ensure ‘Contact Tracing’ even during the lockdown period.
  • India is the only country in the world where the Govt miserably failed in controlling the Corona pandemic despite four successive lockdowns. As against this, infection and deaths increased exponentially with the opening up of lockdown.
  • Modi Govt concentrated merely on winning the television narrative and earning photo-ops by din of ‘beating thalis & clapping’ and also ‘lighting lamps’. But there was zero delivery in controlling the pandemic, arresting the spread of infection or saving the sinking economy.
  • The war against Corona is being fought by the state govts on the ground. Instead of helping them with resources and wherewithal, Govt of India has refused to release their share of GST compensation.
  • Firstly, Modi Govt refused to consult the states before imposing the lockdown. Then, lockdown was extended three more times. Thereafter, four orders of ‘Unlock’ have been issued. However, there is no policy on arresting the infection, stopping the deaths, checking the job losses or controlling the sinking economy.
  • Modi Govt is mocking the people suffering the economic distress, closure of businesses, incapacity to pay EMIs and losing jobs and livelihoods by blaming God for their misery.
  • Corona infection has now spread to smaller cities, towns and villages across the breadth of India yet Modi Govt carries on in a state of complete ignorance and indifference. This indifference is dangerous because 65 percent of India’s population lives in rural areas but has access to only 35 percent of hospital beds and 20 percent of doctors. Spread of infection in such a situation can have catastrophic consequences.
  • Most experts have predicted that India is going through a ‘Second Wave’ of infection. Some other experts have opined that ‘Community Transmission’ has begun. Modi Govt remains either unaware or refuses to even acknowledge.

Prime Minister Modi must answer to nation: 

Will Modi ji answer for his failed leadership? How does he propose to control the spread of Corona infection? How will the Govt arrest the alarming rise in Corona infection? How will the Govt stop the Corona infection from spreading to crores of people? How will Modi Govt. check the spurt in Corona deaths? How will you restore the sinking economy? Does Modi Govt have a solution or will it blame the God?


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