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17 Lok Sabha MPs test positive for COVID-19 as monsoon session begins Featured

  14 सितम्बर 2020

Seventeen members of Parliament have tested positive for COVID-19 in the tests carried out ahead of the monsoon session started on Monday.

Seventeen members including Meenakshi Lekhi, Anant Kumar Hegde and Parvesh Sahib Singh of Parliament have tested positive for COVID-19 in the mandatory tests carried out ahead of the monsoon session started on Monday.

The Lok Sabha members were tested at the Parliament House on September 13 and 14, reported NDTV.Bharatiya Janata Party has a maximum number of 12 COVID affected MPs, the YRS Congress has two MPs, the Shiv Sena, DMK and RLP one each.


Around 200 of the 785 MPs are above the age of 65 years, the population vulnerable to coronavirus.Earlier, around seven Union ministers and 25 MPs and MLAs had contracted the disease.

An MP and a few MLAs have died of the highly infectious disease.




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