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Pakistan stands by Turkey against Fethullah Gulen Terrorist Organisation (FETO) threat. Featured

  15 जुलाई 2020

ISLAMABAD:Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that Pakistan continues to stand by Turkey and is taking all possible steps to support Turkey’s efforts to address the threat posed by Fethullah Gulen Terrorist Organisation (FETO).

In his message addressed to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the premier, on behalf of the government and people of Pakistan, expressed solidarity with Turkey on its ‘Democracy and National Unity Day’ being marked on July 15 to honour the martyrs of 2016.

“Four years ago, on this day, the Turkish people displayed their characteristic resilience and legendary bravery to defy the forces of darkness targeting Turkey’s peace and stability as well as its democratic institutions,” PM Imran said.

The saga of human courage and determination witnessed on 15 July 2016 was indeed an inspiration for millions across the globe and would be remembered in the annals of history, he added.

“Symbolising the same spirit that motivated our forefathers not to hesitate from making any sacrifice for their Turkish brethren a century ago, there was spontaneous outburst of support and solidarity for Turkey on 15 July 2016,” he said.

He recalled that the entire Pakistani nation spoke with one voice against the attempt to undermine Turkey’s peace, democracy and march towards prosperity, saying: “We join the people of Turkey in honouring the martyrs and supporting their families”.

“As has been the tradition of our two nations, we will always be shoulder-to-shoulder supporting each other.”

PM Imran conveyed prayers and best wishes to President Erdogan and the people of Turkey on their “determinedly march towards peace and prosperity, and ever greater glory”.


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