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Israel’s anti-government protesters arrested in Jerusalem “Netanyahu’s problems” Featured

  22 जुलाई 2020

Thousands of Israelis have been taking to the streets to protest the government’s handling of the coronavirus crisis. Now, as Israel grapples with a second wave, Prime Minister Netanyahu is under increasing pressure.

“First it’s about the prime minister, Bibi [Netanyahu]. He is on trial but continues to be the prime minister. And then, all that is going on with the COVID virus. Nothing is under control. It’s the feeling there are those at the top, the prime minister and his colleagues, and there is the people.”

Israeli police have arrested dozens of anti-government protesters during a mass demonstration against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, national daily, The Jerusalem Post reported.

Thirty-four people, among around 2,000 protesters, were held by police accused of public order offences and assaulting police officers. 

The protest took place outside Netanyahu’s residence in Jerusalem on Tuesday evening, amid growing  public dismay over the worsening coronavirus crisis and alleged corruption.

The police earlier approved the protests, and announced they were blocking some roads to give way to the demonstrators.

The protest remained largely peaceful, according to the report, with a few disturbances throughout the evening.


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