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Kajal Agrawal

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Email: यह ईमेल पता spambots से संरक्षित किया जा रहा है. आप जावास्क्रिप्ट यह देखने के सक्षम होना चाहिए.

Nearly two months after China’s People’s Liberation Army assault teams attacked troops of the 16 Bihar Regiment killing 20 soldiers,

As it is said, love happens anywhere, at any time and with anyone. Love knows no boundaries. So, what if the man you have fell for was earlier married to some other girl?

New Delhi, Aug 13: In an article titled, Urgent Actions on Jammu, Kashmir needed published by the Global Times, Pakistan's Ambassador to China,

The recent revelation of Mahima Chaudhry about being bullied by her first director Subhash Ghai after the release of Pardes, had left everyone baffled.

The report of Maniram Das Cantonment Ayodhya and Krishna Janma Bhoomi Trust President Mahant Nritya Gopal Das has come to Corona positive after his health deteriorated.

Nepal’s ruling Nepalese Communist Party (NCP) is expected to end the war of political dominance.

After the announcement of Russian President Vladimir Putin to make Corona’s first vaccine, Russia’s senior respiratory specialist, Prof.

Lebanon’s parliamentary speaker, Nabih Berri, called on Thursday for the urgent formation of a new government in the first legislative session since the catastrophic explosion at Beirut Port. 

Ihsan Jalabi, director of Sidakan district in Erbil, told Shafaq News agency that the border guards called for more forces, as well as heavy and medium weapons to deploy on the Iraqi-Turkish borders, while the PKK members were informed not to approach the soldiers.

The situation in the Gogra-Hot Springs area near Kongka La is no different -- the PLA is where it transgressed, with an objective to come up to the Kugrang River, a tributary of the Shyok River.


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