The UP Police said they have filed an FIR against the family of a protesting farmer who passed away for draping his body with the national flag. When the same was done at the funeral of a Dadri lynching accused, though, no action was taken.
ON BOARD THE TAIWAN COAST GUARD SHIP PP-10062, East China Sea (Reuters) - Taiwanese coast guard commander Lin Chie-ming is on the frontline of a new type of warfare that China is waging against Taiwan. China's weapon? Sand.
While every team and cricket fans’ excitements are growing up for the 14th edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL), everyone firstly wants to know the IPL 2021 date and complete fixtures along with venues.
As the nationwide ‘chakka jam’ called by the farmers, protesting against the government’s new laws, came to an end on Saturday, 6 February, Bharat Kisan Union leader Rakesh Tikait said,