Mumbai, Jan 27 (PTI) The BSE benchmark Sensex crashed 938 points to slip below the 47,500-mark and the NSE Nifty plunged below the psychological 14,000-level due to rampant selling across counters amid foreign fund outflow.
Rahul Gandhi’s three-day visit to Tamil Nadu energised the party in the state
Rahul Gandhi turned in a confident, polished performance, appealing to Tamil pride and sentiments, while at the same time attacking Modi for ignoring the state.
Ground report: What I saw at Delhi’s Ghazipur border today
After talking to the protesters and the public at large, one thing became very clear: they do not believe in this regime anymore. The trust deficit is tremendous
Republic TV chief Arnab Goswami paid me Rs 40 lakh to fix TRP ratings: Partho Dasgupta to Mumbai Police
Former BARC CEO gave a handwritten note to Mumbai Police that he received Rs 40 lakh over 3 years from Arnab Goswami for manipulating ratings in favour of Republic TV, as per police chargesheet.
Supreme Court declines to entertain UP plea to transfer anti-conversion law cases to itself
The Supreme Court on Monday declined to entertain a plea by the Uttar Pradesh government to transfer all petitions against the anti-conversion ordinance pending in the Allahabad High Court to itself.
Sonal Shah and Amit Jani worked with the Biden campaign, but have not been nominated to any positions yet.
Erdogan launches 'welding' of third MILGEM warship meant for Pakistan Navy
ISTANBUL:Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Ambassador of Pakistan Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi jointly performed the 'welding ceremony' of the third MILGEM Ada class corvette for the Pakistan Navy at a ceremony held in Istanbul on Sunday.
Varun Dhawan-Natasha Dalal Wedding: Inside Details As Described By A Guest, 'I’ve Never Seen Varun So Happy, He’s Running Around Like A Child'-EXCLUSIVE
Despite the rather eclectic and a severely selective guest list, guests at Varun Dhawan’s wedding are having a ball. I spoke to one of them who didn’t want to be quoted.