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Rajbhar attacked Yogi government, said 'highest killing of Brahmins in Yogiraj' Featured

  19 जुलाई 2020


New Delhi: Former cabinet minister of Yogi government and Om Prakash Rajbhar, president of Suheldev Bharatiya Samaj Party, has launched a major attack on the Yogi government.

Rajbhar tweeted that Brahmins have been the biggest murders in Yogi Adityanath's government in Uttar Pradesh.Rajbhar said that "In the BJP government, there were incidents of murder, robbery, rape, arson with backward Dalit and weaker sections, but the Brahmin society has also come under the grip of these incidents in the last few months. In a few months a large number of Brahmins have also been killed in this Yogi government. ”

Earlier in another tweet, Rajbhar said that "the entire Brahmin society has pledged to overthrow the BJP government, but ironically, all the incidents of murder, rape, robbery have come to light in the backward and Dalit society, backward , Not a single MLA, MP, Minister and a big leader who has been licking the foothills of the Dalit society has not opened his tongue yet. ”

In a separate tweet, Rajbhar continued the attack on the Yogi government and said that "When the time comes to vote, then it will come in the midst of our community and trick society and get their votes to different parties!" When there will be persecution, injustice and injustice on the society, then the people become blind in happiness and get busy cutting power.

He said that “Such deaf, blind leaders have to be taught a lesson in society. Now the time has come that the backward and the Dalits must openly boycott the snakes of such sleeves hidden in their own society! ”

Rajbhar said that "If they are not boycotted, then the snakes of this sleeve hidden in the society will continue to work to make the whole society a means of their power happiness." By recognizing such leaders who remain the backward and downtrodden society, every society should boycott them! ”


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