The party said that since the Chhattisgarh police filed the first FIR in the 'toolkit' matter on May 19 and is currently investigating the case, the Delhi police doesn’t have jurisdiction to probe the issue.
Due to retire on May 31, Alapan Bandyopadhyay had received a three-month extension from the Centre at the state government's request because of the Covid-19 wave in West Bengal and his experience in cyclone relief.
Health economist Rijo M. John also questioned the Central government’s claim that testing has increased 2.6 times during the second wave.
Babu is a close aide of Satish Reddy, the BJP MLA from Bommanahalli. They were with Tejasvi Surya earlier this month, when the MP stormed a COVID war room and communalised the bed allotment scam.
In the selection committee meeting, CJI N.V. Ramana referred to the Supreme Court’s 2019 order to make the choice among various contenders easier. But the committee ignored the fact that the same order also disfavoured appointing acting chiefs, which the Centre had done.
A member of the association had earlier sent a defamation notice to the yoga guru, demanding a written apology in 15 days for his disparaging remarks on allopathy.
According to the report, the villagers were none the wiser at the time they were given the shot.